Friday, November 6, 2009


Does the idea of "McFeely the clown" scare you? I don't want may kids near that weirdo.


Tim O'Keefe said...

HA! Totally! It's like Pennywise the clown from Stephen King's IT. Clowns are forever ruined for me. McFeely! Why not Bozo or Oliver O. Oliver or some other inoccuous little name. McFeely!? Whose brainchild was that?

Ferdlings said...

Maybe he just "entertained" those turtles at the zoo.

Alan said...

McFeely's truck is full of porn and cigarette butts. He leads a double life of animal balloons and back-room gambling. I feel sorry for the guy, really.

James said...

That is a really distrubing image, not fit for a family blog.