Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy 41st Birthday, Ferdlings!

Today was the 41st Birthday of Ferdlings (aka Paul). As a special treat, I offer this spoof of one of his classic YouTube films. The original Shaving of the Beard can be seen here. If you've not seen it, you must for my video to even be remotely humorous. In fact, I'm not certain mine is funny at all, but nevertheless, here it is...


Charlotte said...


Ferdlings said...

That was great! Nice edit on the sneeze... I fell for it. You should definitely sneeze the chops back n, though. They're awesome.

smooth said...

Now if that would just work for a hair cut.

Chuck said...

That was awesome. I fell for the sneeze as well. You completely owned it.

Perhaps we need to start an inner game of "video challenge." Give out a theme, we all make a video and post to our site. Kinda like a very complicated "5 random things about me" type of deal.


(p.s. the Chops were boss)

Tim O'Keefe said...

Dude, this rocks! Not taking anything away from Ferdlings' vid but you looked so... sincere, so... sad about losing those ugly things. HA!!!

Kyle said...

Not since Police Academy 2 did I ever think I'd say this again... But, BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL!!! Bravo! Bravo! Bravissimo! Bravia! Bravia!

The Nicholsons said...

Awesome! Maybe (please?) this will inspire Jay, but I fear he would stop at mutton chops just to make me beg for the beard.

Todd R. Vick said...

George, that ruled. Classic. Two enthusiastic thumbs up.

hypsy - the sad, confused feeling after one shaves his cool mutton chops.

James said...

Dang,son! I liked the mutton chops. You are the one person who could perhaps bring them back!