I was almost pulled over by Ponch and Jon durring my morning commute. Shortly after I snapped this, a biker passed on the other side of the Interstate. In perfect sync the cops did that "low wave" that biker do when they pass each other. Since when are motorcycle cops considered 'bikers"? Whatls next? Are horse cops gonna start shooting into the air, or mountain bike cops gonna start getting overheated and throw up on the trail?
I saw these motocops too! They had some guy standing on his car with his hands tied behind his back and a hangman's noose around his neck. One of the guys looked like he was going to slap the back of the car. They were mixing their metaphors or something.
Since when are motorcycle cops bikers?
Man, you gotta netflix Electra Glide In Blue!
One of the guys in my office says he was stopped by them and they beat him with their helmets.
Bad dudes.
Mmmmmmmmmmm CHIPs
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