Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

I have a new favorite movie. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, which was orriginally produced as an Internet Webisode thing last year durring the Writer's Strike. It stars Neil Partick Harris (from How I Met Your Mother, Doogie, Houser MD, Harod and Kumar...) and Nathan Fillion (from FireFLy, Castle, etc.), plus Felicia Day (who I'd never heard of). It's only about 45 minutes long and looks a bit low budget (like an Internet movie shot over six days), but it is brilliant and hilarious. I rented it from NetFlix, but you can also watch it online here or order it on iTunes. Thanks to Rick for this gret amovie recommendation. Check it out!


Kyle said...

She's on the Sears Blue Appliance Crew commercials.

Very funny show, btw.

The Nicholsons said...

I have every intention of watching this, just haven't done it yet. It looks hilarious but seems to take forever to load. I will watch it.

Anonymous said...

OK. Finally watched it and... and... it is awesome. All that and more, George. Thank you!

George said...


Glad you liked it. Now, if you'll please reveal your secret identity...

Alan said...

Anonymous was me, Dook. Just hadn't signed in and seemed like too much trouble just to put in a silly comment that I really liked the show. And yet, here I sit, putting in a silly comment that I liked the show and explaining what happened. Jeeez. Should have just signed in to begin with.
Word Verification:
Hypoo- bowel movement above second floor. Or, if you prefer...
Hypoo- japanese poem read aloud while releasing gas.