Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Lonely Toe

Last week, Greenbeans asked for an update on the Lonely Toe. So, Mr. Toe agreed to share this short documentary of a day in his sad, lonely life. Enjoy!


Charlotte said...


Rick said...

Toe is my hero.

Alan said...

That was the best! I really wanted to see TLT bait his hook on that fishing excursion. Tremendous effort and response. My best to Lonely T.

The Nicholsons said...

I never knew the toe was lonely, poor toe! Mr. lonely metatarsal, your freakish length is the only reason we know George is related to royalty! I shall call you the Crooked King of Althena.

P.S. You do realize that the foot freaks will find this video on youtube!? You may get some wacko comments.

George said...

Oooh, I didn't think of THAT. I probably should have worn a sock!

Kyle said...

Go Toe Go!
Can't wait for the sequel.

Chuck said...

Horshay - Lonely Toe is my favorite movie of the summer.

Any chance he might make an appearance in the Star Trek Movie?

smooth said...

I think Toe needs to work on some anger management

Tim O'Keefe said...

Hey! Did you see "Thumb Wars" and "Thumbtanic"?

I think TLT may give those guys a run for their money. This guy has a future in film. I do think he needs a foxy lady to play opposite him. Heidi has the cutest little pinky toe. I'll offer her my services as an agent. Lemmee know.

Ferdlings said...

Hilarious! Really. Really hilarious. That was seriously great, though.