Friday, April 24, 2009

Web Designers are Cool!

I want to work in THIS office...

Auto Tuning from Casey Donahue on Vimeo.


Jones Family said...

love this! doesn't take much to almost make me cry or wet my pants anymore from laughing so hard! where do you find this stuff? that upside down SC flag must mean it's "you don't actually have to work today; you can goof off on your computer and find random videos" day!

Ferdlings said...

I read about the Auto Tune in Time magazine. It was developed by a geologist or something for non-Madonna or T-Pain use. Something about promoting geology I think.

The Nicholsons said...

I love it! I want to talk to my family like this allllll day long. My favorite part is when he asks the other guy if he wants to get some lunch - it made me crack up, I don't know why.