Last Year (2009) I posted the Code Words for the Tour de France Cadillac Ride of Your Life Sweepstakes and received a tremendous number of visitors and comments on this blog. So, even though Cadillac changed the name in 2010 to Lead the Pack Sweepstakes , I'm going to try to do it again . I will try to post the daily the code words shown during the Versus telecasts, Bicycling.com, and Twitter Also, I included the two code words from Versuswap (which apparently do not change.)
If you're a visitor and know a code word before I get to review my DVR and post an update, feel free to leave a comment with the code word, stage number, and where you found it (especially if it's from some other source). Also, I've noticed over the years that this sweepstakes recycles code words, so feel free to look back at last year's words and try them out. Older Code Words from previous years or from commenters to this blog can be found by clicking here. Good Luck Playing and thanks for visiting.
If you're a visitor and know a code word before I get to review my DVR and post an update, feel free to leave a comment with the code word, stage number, and where you found it (especially if it's from some other source). Also, I've noticed over the years that this sweepstakes recycles code words, so feel free to look back at last year's words and try them out. Older Code Words from previous years or from commenters to this blog can be found by clicking here. Good Luck Playing and thanks for visiting.
Prologue (7/3/2010) PODIUM - ROTTERDAM - SPEED
Stage 1 (7/4/2010) ENERGY - SPRINT - DRIVER'S CAR
Stage 4 (7/7/2010) POWER - LEADOUT TRAIN - AUTHENTICITY (Correction Tweeted late)
Stage 5 (7/8/2010) GAP - HELMET - CTS SPORT WAGON
Stage 4 (7/7/2010) POWER - LEADOUT TRAIN - AUTHENTICITY (Correction Tweeted late)
Stage 5 (7/8/2010) GAP - HELMET - CTS SPORT WAGON
Versuswap Code Words (7/9/2010) MOBILE - TEAM RADIOSHACK
Versuswap Code Words (7/9/2010) MOBILE - TEAM RADIOSHACK
Stage 8 (7/11/2010) ECHELON - CLIMB - HANGING ON
Rest Day (7/12/2010) PEDAL - DRAFTING - VERSUS
Stage 9 (7/13/2010) ONSTAR - DISC WHEEL - ICONIC BRAND
Stage 11 (7/15/2010) GRADIENT - EPIC CYCLE - 556 HORSEPOWER
Stage 14 (7/18/2010) FEED ZONE - HYDRATION - HAMMERING
Stage 15 (7/19/2010) CRAFTSMANSHIP - DESIGN INNOVATION - (no Twitter or FB word today)
Stage 16 (7/20/2010) CADENCE - HEART RATE - DESCENT
Stage 17 (7/22/2010) WATTS - ATTACK - (repeated Twitter and FB words today)
Stage 18 (7/23/2010) AERODYNAMIC - GREEN JERSEY - RPM
Stage 20 (7/25/2010) YELLOW JERSEY - PARIS - CHAMPAGNE
Does anyone know if the daily instant prizes are still based on a random time during the day (from when to when?) where the next person to enter is the winner? Also, it's not clear to me if I can save code words for use later or are they only good for 24 hours?
Good Questions. I don't know about the random time thing but I'd love to know that answer too.
As far as saving words, in past years I have been able to play words late and in advance (by guessing obvious words or replaying previous years words.) However, this hasn't helped me win. Someone posted "France" as a sode word via Twitter yesterday (not sure where it came from) and I was able to play it today.
Thank you! I utilized your site last year and won myself a water bottle, LOL! Just realized you are in SC! That's why you're so awesome. :)
Thank you for the Tour de France codes!
Thanks for the codes! You rock! <3
sprint - 2 - Versus TV
try all the sponsors names - cadillac, cervelo, bicycling
Stage 1 (7/4/2010) Code Words are: ENERGY - SPRINT - DRIVER'S CAR
I'm away from my computer and can't update the list from my phone, but will do so later. Thanks for visiting.
cadillac, cervelo, bicycling
these worked! Thanks
also try VERSUS worked for me
I think IGNITION is the word in the August edition of Bicycling. Worked for me. Also, I tried PARIS and it worked.
cts sport wagon also works
"lead the pack"
"Lead The Pack" from the Tour
"SADDLE" from Bicycling
yellow jersey, white jersey and green jersey works for me.
polka dot jersey works
"tour" works
The rules, available from the entry web page, state that the computer will randomly choose 30 times to win the prizes. The person entering at that time, or the first person entering after that time is the winner.
Yea it is still based on random times....when the prize time opens its the first person to type the code and spin the wheel...so it it opens at 12 noon and I'm the first one in....I WIN....to bad it never happens haha.....GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!
peloton, power, versus,france all work
bicycling, RPM, gap, climb, high definition, team car, hanging on echelon, drafting - all work.
from Stage 1, "spokes".
I was able to use: Paris, Versus, France, and a few others as well!
watts works
Don't forget http://www.active.com/cycling/tourdefrance/drawing/ - another daily contest during the TdF! (today's answer: 2004)
cobblestones for today as well.
sprint. yellow jersey (predictably). drafting. hydration. descent. attack. feed zone. pedal. team director. domestique. all work, but for me, none win...
Today it is "lead out train"
Thursday the code word(s) is(are) "SRX Luxury Crossover"
Thursday the code word(s) is(are) "SRX Luxury Crossover"
For todays Wednesday July 8th) TDF code word I used both "SRX Luxury Crossover" AND "CTS Sport Wagon". I also put in yesterdays (Tuesday July 7th) code word "Lead Out Train" ALL THREE WORKED FOR ME AT 7:05 AM Mountain time.
All of them work all the time...I already hit the maximum number of entries for this contest.
You may want to take a look at this... I think they all work. Bicycling mag says they only work on that date but they work for me now.
cts sport wagon works for July 8th.
PARIS worked for me
I got a message saying: You've entered all the code words you can
Anyone else get this? Does it mean I'm done until the drawing?
PELOTON, DRIVING DYNAMICS are both words for today
Someone tried a bunch of words and posted the ones that worked on the cycling news forum at http://forum.cyclingnews.com/showthread.php?p=256135
The large list of codewords almost all worked for me and then the message "You've Entered All The Codewords You Can" - Never won a Jersey though. I'll try again tomorrow but I think I've hit my 2010 limit.
i got the same message yesturday, im just going to input another email of mine and keep trying, has anyone won anything?
Has anyone won anything?
I'm also getting the "You've Entered All the Code Words You Can" message. I used a different email today and was only able to enter 4-5 before getting the same message even though I probably entered 10 with my first email. Why would they have so many code words if you can only enter a couple of times?
Limit: Each participant may enter/play one (1) time per code word up to a maximum of
seventy-four (74) entries/plays during the Promotion Period. Multiple participants are not
permitted to share the same email address. Any attempt by any participant to obtain more
than the stated number of plays/entries by using multiple/different email addresses,
identities, registrations and logins, or any other methods will void that participant's
plays/entries and that participant may be disqualified.
BUT...there's no way I put 74 code words in.
This morning I put in maybe 5 code words. The last time, it told me I put in all the code words I can and when I tried the last one again, it told me I already entered that one. poo
The code word I just heard for this morning [Saturday] in "Cervelo"
Cervelo is the code word for Saturday, July 10.
Try Champagne - worked for me
My experience in the past years is that you could enter a limitless number of valid code words in a day, but it never improved my success. Instead it "used up" my chances. Apparently, they may have changed the website this year to add some limits, but I haven't experienced that because this year I'm only entering the code words on the day they are announced. This is because there is apparently only one chance per day to win. So, I suggest you pace yourself. It's a long tour and sadly many folks seem to have used up all their chances before we got to the mountains. "That's bicycle racing" as they say.
Good Luck, and thanks for visiting, leaving your comments, and especially for your support from linking over to my advertizers sites.
Sunday, Stage 8, is CLIMB.
The wheel is no longer showing for me. It just says thank you for playing. Also the reason I put in five words yesterday was because I missed the day before. Also, I've only put in about 25 words so far. No success so far.
I've been blocked from entering anymore words on the Lead the Pack sweepstakes site. I am nowhere near the "up to 74 times" mentioned in the rules. Anyone know any reason why I would be blocked from further play? Thank you, Nancy
I see in your list of contests that you don't have the specialized contest...
you have to get a card from a dealer for a code...I tried once but the code didn't work, so I guess I need to go back
7/13 'onstar'
"Versus" is a code word (apparently). And I second the motion for "Onstar"! :D
Hey Tighty!
I won! A Cervelo bike and polka dot jersey. I am so psyched. Not sure what kind of Cervelo, rules say prize package workth 2900$
Hee hee heee :-)
Congrats on winning a Cervelo Bike and Polka Dot Jersey! (I'm jealous) That's encouraging.
On a downside, I'm starting to have issues with the Sweepstakes wheel now too. As previously mentioned, I'm only play three words per day. Today, it told me that I had already entered "ICONIC BRAND" on my 3rd attempt, although that was not true. This is the first year for that very lame code word, which I would have never guessed, so I know it wasn't entered before. Oh well, I keep everyone posted on any other issues.
Meanwhile, today is a day to celebrate the winners, so congrats to SteveK and Bon Chance to everyone else!
George (Tighty Whitey)
Well, it's not happened to me too. I am the latest victim of the Sweepstakes technical problems. At first it told me that I had already used a code word when I had not. Then I get an error saying that I had already played the number of allowed words, when in fact I'd only play 35 words. I submitted a ticket to the admin and got an email saying they would respond within 3 business days.
Meanwhile, I'm going to register under an alternate email address and keep submitting until I actually DO submit the maximum number of allowable entries.
Who else is having these issues?
George, I submitted the issue on Sunday, 3 business days later....no answer.
Yes, same for me, I have only input the code words so far. I get the "you've put in the maximum amount of words" deal. I call BS!
Myself and two other family members were cut off after 37 entries.
Everyone should fill out the form found in the faq section on the contest site.
I got the same message telling me I've entered all the code words I can. I definitely haven't reached 74. I did submit the form from their FAQ site - maybe the site is having technical difficulties or something. I think if enough people complain, they'll do something about it.
Unless all of the code word so far = 74, then I have not played the max either. Still, I got stonewalled and it won't let me play again.
July 15 "epic cycle"
I got stopped at exactly 37, which is half of 74 of course.
Same here, got stopped at 37...
<--- Another victim of the 37 entries error.
Congrats SteveK!! I'm really hoping I get the next package :)
Just out of curiosity, how were you informed? Was it immediately or did they send you an e-mail later on?
Wow... I'm yet another victim of the 37-entry error. I am officially locked-out. Dang. I've been playing this game each year for the past 3 or so years while I watch the tour. This seems to be the first time I've experienced this.
Oh well, I think I've only won a key chain and one other thing I don't remember. Good luck all!
Let me join the throngs of followers of the Tighty Whitey the GREAT!
Anyone remember the Saturday Night skit way back when that said "Hey, it's not a gang, it's a club!"?
As if to say we are not a bunch of bad guys, we're just a bunch of folks having fun.
Well, wonder how many of us would rather be in a gang about now, and go nuts on the sweepstakes for this insane random cutoff to entries.
Yep, I got cut off last week, (did enter a few words that it took, but hadn't came up yet, but nowhere NEAR the magic 74 that doesn't seem to exist.
Fast forward to today, and my wife gets cut off using ONLY the TW list. (Even including the corrections) That I think is 39 "entry phrases". What the heck is going on?!?!
Been playing along for now the third year, never to see such 'ba-zinga' going on. :-(
Anyone that gets a response from them, please post.
Gotta' run and watch more programs making space on the DVR for tomorrow's ride. ;-)
Later gang!
Today's codes
556 horsepower
direct injection v6
Just got the same "you have entered all the code words you can" message...and I've been keeping track of the words I've entered. No surprise — I was trying to enter my 38th word.
Also sent an email message to the administrator of the contest, ePrize LLC. Here's their URL for contacts — http://eprize.com/contact-us.
I'll let you know what, if anything, I hear back from them.
I hit the "you have entered all the code words you can" message, too, and I haven't entered 74 as per the rules. How do we contact the "administator" to fix this?
I emailed the Administrator on July 14 at 11:25AM ET when I was cut off after 37 words. They did not respond in three days as stated in the "contact us" URL.
I just got "cut off" by the TDF Cadillac Lead the Pack Sweepstakes after entering approximately three words per day since the Tour began on July 3, 2010. I've watched the Tour on television since 2000. This is the first time I've had any problems with this particular sweepstakes (used to be Saab, maybe even Volvo at one time?) Anyway, Cadillac seems to be confused about their own rules. Why have us look at different sites - where different words are available each day - only to tell us we've entered too many words into the contest?! The contest doesn't except incorrect entries!
Thanks for your efforts Tighty Whitey. Oh well. I certainly would have loved to win that Cadillac, however!
I too, have been locked out even though there is no way I have submitted 74 entries. I also get no spins, it just says thanks for your entry. I have emailed through the contact form as well. I will let you know if I get a response.
can anyone say lawsuit?
It seems that most of us were cut off at 37, which is half of what the official rules say we're allowed to submit. I still haven't heard any response from the sweepstakes people. It did say it would take 3 business days so...maybe tomorrow?
I just received this reply from Lead The Pack ePrize Customer Service:
We are currently working to resolve the issue. We will email once the
issue is resolved.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
I just got the same message:
We are currently working to resolve the issue. We will email once the
issue is resolved.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
ePrize Customer Service
I got it today, after I sent the request yesterday.
Got the same blast email.
Just got this:
We apologize for any inconvenience you experienced. The promotion
should now be functioning correctly.
Thank you for contacting us regarding this promotion. Should you need
additional clarification, or have any other questions regarding this
promotion, please reply to this email.
ePrize Customer Service
It's working now...
It wouldn't let me play the words that I had tried (the 38th and 39th) when it told me I was cut off.
07/19/10 code word = design innovation
The problem with the sweepstakes has been corrected. I got an email from them and I was able to enter all the codes that I have missed. The only codes I could not use were the ones I entered when I got the msg that I entered all of the code words I am allowed. I think it totalled 2 or 3 code words.
The sweepsakes has been corrected.
Versus code word "Descent"
I want to win that cervelo R3 bike so i don't have to out pace my friend and his road bike with my mountain bike!!!
7/22: Attack
Nice "Tighty"! Thanks for doing this ;)
So besides the one person who said he won a bike and the other who may have won a key chain, has anyone else won anything? I've been playing this for two (three?) years and have won diddly!
I won a free water bottle from the Trek Dream Bigger sweepstakes. Got a Radioshack one. Meh. Could really use the bike though!
Good to know it's working again. I've got a lot of back-logged words to enter!
I also "won" a water bottle on the Trek contest; my local Trek dealer hadn't gotten their contest bottles so they offered one of their regular shop-advertising bottles in its place.
I haven't won anything else this year, but over the past few years of years I've won a Trek T-shirt, couple of Discovery water bottles, some powdered exercise drink, and a soft-plastic "Discovery" jersey keyring all courtesy of Trek and their various TdF contests.
Several instances where the code word is entered and I get "loading" without ever getting to play. Anyone else?
'yellow jersey' (like thats' a surprise) is a good code.
You can also add 'paris' and 'polka dot jersey'
Good Luck!
today, yellow jersey, paris
Thanks George for enhancing my Tour De France experience this year. Eric
Just to let you know, in case anybody is still following this:
Back on the 17th I got shut out of the Cadillac "Lead the Pack" game after reaching 37 entries. I sent an email to the game coordinator and was promised a reply "in three working days".
Today, the 30th of July, I finally received an answer via email which said:
We apologize for any inconvenience you experienced. The promotion should now be functioning correctly.
Thank you for contacting us regarding this promotion. Should you need additional clarification, or have any other questions regarding this promotion, please reply to this email.
ePrize Customer Service"
Outside of the fact that it is now almost a week after the contest ended, by my count this took something like nine or ten working days, not three, to reply.
But at least I did get a reply!
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